Signs It’s Time for an Electrical Panel Upgrade

An electrical panel should have a lifespan of about 25 to 40 years, but if you use a significant amount of power in your home, you may need an upgrade sooner. If you’re unsure about whether this is the case for you, look for the following signs that your current power supply is no longer sufficient.

1. You Have a Fuse Box

If you have an older home, you may still have a fuse box. There are several problems with this outdated feature. For instance, fuses are less safe and less reliable than circuit breakers. Plus, you may end up paying more in homeowners’ insurance due to the added risk.

2. Your Circuit Breaker Has Outdated Amperage

To safely power the average modern home, you need 200 amps from your circuit breaker. Check that you have this amount by looking for notation near the top of the panel. An older home may only have 60-amp wiring, which is insufficient for powering modern appliances.

3. There Are Signs of Damage

Any signs of physical damage indicate that you need to replace your electrical panel as soon as possible. Damage can lead to rust, a buzzing noise, burns, and a bad odour that suggests the panel is burning something plastic. Be sure to check your electrical panel on a regular basis to ensure there are no new signs of damage.

4. Your Lights Dim at Times

Your lights may flicker or dim when you run a high-energy appliance, such as a microwave. This suggests you’re demanding too much from your electrical system and need something with higher power. Bear in mind that this is extra likely to happen after you purchase a new appliance that requires 240-volt circuits rather than 120 volts. However, it can also happen with a growing family, especially as your kids become teenagers and start using more electronic devices.

5. The Circuit Breaker Frequently Trips

Alternatively, putting too much pressure on your power system could mean that the circuit breaker overloads. In this case, you need more supply to meet your demand.

6. You Suffer Electric Shocks

If outlets or light switches are giving you an electric shock, it’s crucial you update your panel to keep your home safe.

If you think you might be due for an electrical panel upgrade, plan your service with MMi Electrical. We’ll provide you with a free electrical home inspection to determine whether you need a new electrical panel or another solution, and we’ll perform an efficient installation with a 100-percent satisfaction guarantee. Contact us to schedule a visit.


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