9 Reasons to Upgrade Your Electrical Panel

Is Your Home in Need of a New Electrical Panel?  

Your home is your haven; it is a safe place for you and your loved ones to celebrate all of life’s milestones, big and small. Whether you are whipping up a holiday feast, cozying up for a movie marathon, or dimming the lights for date night, many of these memory-makers depend on a safe, reliable power supply.

Why an Updated Electrical System is Important  

In order for your home to handle the average power usage for a modern lifestyle (think: video game consoles, smartphone chargers, hair appliances, home office equipment, and more), the electrical wiring in your home should be able to accommodate an average of 200 amps from the circuit breaker.

From safety and cost savings to efficiency and home comfort, here are nine reasons to upgrade your electrical panel: 

1.    You live in an older home. 

A lot of homes in Edmonton, St. Albert, and other surrounding areas are at least 30 years old, and in many cases, they have a fuse box rather than a circuit breaker. This outdated electrical work can cause safety issues and cost you money due to expensive insurance premiums. 

2.  Your electrical wiring is outdated. 

If you are experiencing issues running new appliances in your older home, there’s a chance your circuit breaker only allows for 60 amps. For comparison, an average home today requires 200-amp wiring to handle everyone’s power consumption, which is why many folks in older houses have problems with their service panel.   

3.  Your appliances and devices are using too much power.

If you have ever noticed your lights dimming down or flickering on and off whenever you fire up large appliances, or use a ton of plugged-in electronics at once, you may need a stronger power supply. A licensed electrician at MMi Electrical will look at your electrical box to determine whether you need a panel upgrade or replacement. 

4. You have a growing family or host guests often.

If your home is wired for 100 amps of power or less through the circuit breaker, a professional electrician will likely tell you that the cost to upgrade your electrical system is worth the investment if you have a big or growing family, or if you often have people over who will be using multiple electronic devices all at once. Too much power consumption through a weak circuit breaker could cause frequent breaker trips. 

5.  You want to save on your monthly power bill. 

If your home uses a fuse box instead of a circuit breaker, or if your electrical panel is outdated, your system could be running on overdrive trying to accommodate all your modern appliances and devices, which can rack up a high power bill. Having an electrical service call to assess your electrical system could lead to an upgrade that will save you money each month. 

6. You want to be safe in your own home. 

The cost to replace your electrical panel will pay itself off pretty quickly compared to the cost of damage from a faulty electrical system. Older electrical systems are used to managing 60 to 100-amp power consumption, so if you and your family are trying to use high-tech kitchen appliances, modern hair tools, or even use an in-home office, your system is at a higher risk of short-circuiting, which can lead to harmful electrical fires.

7. Your current panel is damaged. 

If you’ve noticed any burns, rust, buzzing sounds, or strange odours coming from your panel, you should book an electrical service call with our experienced electricians at MMi Electrical so we can perform a free home electrical safety evaluation and replace your panel if necessary. 

8.  You get shocked when you turn a light on. 

A minor, static-like shock when you flick on a light switch might not feel like a big deal, but your light switches (as well as your outlets when you plug in an appliance) shouldn’t be giving you an electric shock. 

Receiving an electrical shock from your switches and devices should be your cue to get in touch with MMi Electrical at your earliest convenience so we can discuss potential upgrade options for your home’s electrical panel.  

9. Your breaker box keeps tripping. 

This is a simple reason; if your breaker box is constantly tripping while you are using power, it is usually a tell-tale sign that you are in need of an electrical panel upgrade. 

Reliable Electrical Panel Replacement Services in St. Albert 

There are many reasons to consider replacing or upgrading your home’s electrical panel, and if any of these listed describe your current electrical situation, we encourage you to get in touch with MMi Electrical today to book your free home electrical inspection today! 




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