What are Backstabbed Plugs and Why Does it Matter in Your Home?

How often do you think about how your home was built? About the electrical wires running through your walls, delivering power to your light switches and outlets? Your home is where you're comfortable and should feel at ease. While you may think the age of your home is a good indicator of how much maintenance and repairs you'll be required to complete, this is not always the case.

Electrical Systems In Canadian Homes

No matter when your home was built, you'll want to consider your electrical work. While there are risks with wiring in older homes that have not been upgraded, your newer home may also pose risks that you cannot see behind your walls. One common issue we see regularly is backstabbed plugs. While this method is technically up to code, they pose a greater hazard for overheating and wire disconnections with repeated use. 

Why Backstabbed Wires Matter In Your Home

With the high demand for electrical supply in modern homes, it's best to ensure that your system is correctly wired with updated circuit breakers and secure electrical outlets. 

What Is a Backstabbed Plug?

A backstabbed plug is when the electrical wires are inserted through the small holes of the outlet rather than securely screwed down to the template. Backstabbing is less sturdy and can even be dangerous as wires come loose or fall out completely. This technique is up to code in Alberta, but does not have long-term stability in mind. If you’ve never had an electrical safety inspection done in your home, it may be worth getting it done to learn if your home is backstabbed or not.

How Can I Tell If My Home Has Backstabbed Plugs?

Unfortunately, you cannot tell whether your home has backstabbed wires or outlets without taking the cover off and looking behind it to see. It’s very important to turn off the breaker before opening the outlet. Then you can unscrew the cover plate and have a look. If the wires are stuck through the holes, or worst case scenario, coming loose, you'll know they are backstabbed. You should not try to fix them yourself. Instead, call your electrician to schedule an appointment to service your home. 

How to Fix Backstabbed Outlet Wiring

The fix for backstabbed wires is straightforward but requires an electrician's expertise. An electrician must open each outlet and switch so the wires can be pulled out of the small holes and secured tightly with screws instead. For homes that are backstabbed, fixing the connections of every outlet and switch can feel overwhelming. One option is to go through your home room-by-room until your whole house is updated over time. A small investment over time can save you money in the long run and provide peace of mind. 

To keep your home comfortable and reduce the risk of electrical issues, we recommend having a Master Electrician assess your electrical system to recommend the best updates. But not just any electrician. We recommend finding an electrician that prioritizes quality and safety. When left to chance, backstabbed wires can pose a hazard for power supply, electrical fires, and damaged power outlets. 

Additional Electrical Solutions

While your electrician is fixing the backstabbed connections, you may also want to take advantage of this opportunity and have your electrician install Arc Fault Circuit Interrupters (AFCI). These AFCI breakers are designed to detect small arcs in the electrical flow, shutting down your circuit when electrical leaks are sensed. Electrical arcs leak energy and heat at the source, posing a damage risk or even fire risk behind your walls. 

Backstabbed connections that come loose will cause electrical arcs to occur. If you have AFCI breakers installed in your home and they consistently trip, there may be electrical arcs due to backstabbed wires. This issue can be found in homes of all ages. 

New Homes and Electrical Maintenance

Backstabbed wires can still be an issue, even if you have a brand-new home. It all depends on who the electrician was and whether or not they use backstabbing wires as a way to complete a job faster, yet still code. At MMi Electrical, we never cut corners. We ensure your electrical work is not only up to code but completed with quality workmanship and safety in mind. Whenever you hire us for new electrical installations, you can be assured that we will never use the backstabbing method. 

Quality Electrical Maintenance in St. Albert

When you need quality electrical maintenance, repairs, or installations, call our Master Electricians at MMi Electrical. It's more than just a job for us—it's making your home safer and more comfortable. 


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