6 Important Home Maintenance Tasks You May Be Overlooking

It happens to all of us. We get busy with our daily lives and regular routines. We push seasonal or annual maintenance to the bottoms of our to-do lists without realizing how much time passes between giving them attention. While some tasks belong on the “wish list,” such as painting the living room a new colour, or decluttering the hall closet, other jobs are more urgent than we might think. We’re highlighting six important home maintenance tasks that you might be putting off or completely overlooking. 


1.    Vacuuming Your Smoke and Carbon Monoxide Detectors

At MMi Electrical, safety is our top priority, which is why we like to mention this one at the top of the list. Your smoke and carbon monoxide detectors are your silent guardian in case of fires or carbon monoxide in the air. Many people install them and forget about them due to their long battery lives or lifetime use in the case of hard-wired ones. If you remember to test them monthly. It is also important to vacuum them from time to time to clear the sensors of dust build-up. Keeping them clear and clean helps them function properly. Our master electricians take care of this for you as an additional perk of our annual maintenance package. 


2.    Cleaning Out Gutters

The purpose of your eavestrough is to catch rainwater off your roof and direct it to an optimal drainage location or a rain barrel. Your eaves are likely collecting fallen leaves and other debris that can cause them to clog and overflow, draining sheets of water in unwanted places. No one loves to climb up a tall ladder to discover what wet, soggy mess awaits in the eavestrough. However, not cleaning your gutters can lead to serious problems. If cleaning them yourself is not an option, you could also hire someone to clean them for you.


3.    Cleaning Out Dryer Vents 

You probably clean the lint trap in your dryer after each load, but how often do you clean your dryer vent? The dryer vent is another place in your home that can collect lint, dust, and outdoor debris. Ignoring this home maintenance task can lead to a potential fire hazard. We recommend cleaning the vent on the outside of your home regularly to ensure the vent is clear. 


4.    Clean Out Air Vents or Ducts

On the theme of vents, another space in your home that would benefit from annual cleaning is your air vents and ducts. As part of your spring or winter cleaning routine, take some additional time to vacuum out the air vents in each room. You may be surprised what collects at the top of those vents, especially if you have children or pets. Having your air ducts cleaned annually can also improve your home air quality for anyone who suffers from sensitive allergies. 


5.    Dusting High Light Fixtures and Changing Bulbs (We Do It for You!)

Does your home have beautiful light fixtures so high up you have no choice but to use your tallest ladder (and courage) to reach them? While a telescopic duster can help you keep the fixture clean, it doesn’t make changing the lightbulbs any easier. With our annual electrical maintenance packages, we’ll take the time to change out any of the bulbs in your hard-to-reach fixtures as long as you provide the bulb. 


6.    Fixing or Upgrading Electrical Outlets

There are many reasons why customers delay repairing or upgrading electrical outlets in their homes. For some, if one outlet in a room doesn’t work, but the rest do, they live with using one fewer outlet. Others dream of adding additional outlets or circuits to a room so they can run multiple appliances at the same time without tripping a circuit breaker. While it may seem as though it’s a mere inconvenience, ignoring electrical problems can lead to increased safety hazards. Booking an appointment with an MMi master electrician will give you peace of mind that your electrical system is in working order and that your family is safe. 


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At MMi Electrical, we go above and beyond with our customer service because we value your satisfaction and safety. Contact us for your next electrical service and ask us about our annual electrical maintenance packages


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